About NAP

National Access Point

(NAP - National Access Point)
The transition to the Single European Transport Area requires the establishment of a system that connects all traffic elements. The development of this digital computer architecture includes open and common standards and user interfaces, as well as an efficient and secure data ecosystem. In accordance with the commitments under EU Directives (40/2010, 94/2014) and Delegated Regulations (885/2013, 886/2013, 962/2015, 1926/2017), Member States are establishing national access points – NAPs. Each EU Member State is committed to setting up its own NAP or a joint NAP with one or more other Member States. NAPs can be organized in various forms, as a registry, a database, a data marketplace or a data warehouse.
NAP objective
The objective of the NAP is to provide service developers, and consequently end-users, with easy access, the exchange and re-use of comprehensive and reliable traffic and travel data, and data on public charging/refuelling infrastructure for alternative fuels in transport, in a non-discriminatory manner.
Instructions for data access

Useful links

NAP map

all data in NAP
at least one NAP
no NAP

NAP Slovenia

The NAP is a national web portal where users have real-time access to:
  • verified, comprehensive and reliable
    traffic and travel data
    Travel data to enable multimodal mobility is being prepared.
  • static and dynamic data on
    public refuelling infrastructure for alternative fuels in transport
    Alternative fuels in transport, as defined by EU Directive no. 2014/94, cover electricity, hydrogen, compressed and liquefied natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas, biofuels, synthetic and paraffinic fuels. Data on the refuelling infrastructure for hydrogen and gas are being prepared.


The providers and types of data are numerous; they can be viewed on the data page.
Access to data is enabled upon prior registration of the business entity user, and acceptance of the general terms and conditions of use. In order to provide compatible, interoperable and continuous services, data is collected and exported via the NAP in DATEX II and NETEX formats. The data is available for exchange and re-use in real time and on a non-discriminatory basis.
The NAP Slovenia further delivers a quality user experience to drivers of electric vehicles with the possibility of searching and displaying data on public charging points using a map.


The National Traffic Management Centre (NTMC) is an internal organisational unit within the Ministry of Infrastructure which obtains all available data on national road conditions and traffic on them and analyses and processes them, and then publishes them on the NAP Slovenia web portal.